Planning a holiday can be stressful and many of us worry so much about forgetting something that it can easily spoil a holiday. Many people now search and book their holidays online rather than inside a travel agent, often as this is the cheapest way to do it. Once you have booked your dream holiday, you can start to create your itinerary and plan your trip in more detail. You need to be able to find an app that offers the ability show you all of your flight details (times, destinations, cancellations etc), make sure you’ll make your connection to any other transport such as trains and help you find your rental car confirmation number. This information is all very important to have, but it can mean a lot of paperwork to take with you. Many of these apps allow you to store a copy of documents in one place that can be accessed from your phone or tablet and will constantly update you with flight information. A small number of the apps will even advise you if there is a better seat on the plane to which you can swap.
Travel planning apps for your phone