Insurance on Safari is your choice. Though if you don’t have it and the worst happens you could be liable for big expenses that you did not budget for.
If you are going to be in “The Bush” it may be a good idea to compare a few quotes for insurance before you travel to get the most appropriate for you. Safari’s can be unpredictable. Your health and well-being should be of paramount importance when travelling. Medical costs abroad can range in the thousands and above depending on the level of care required.
If you are taking expensive cameras or video cameras on Safari, you also want those covered. Either accidental damage or wildlife such as monkeys being mischievous could all factor in damage that could occur. Just find a means to back up all of your images and footage because that is something that the insurance wont be able to replace.
Travel insurance can also extend to cancellation of your trip. This ensures protection against certain unforeseen circumstances that may occur. It means you wont lose out on your trip and can reschedule for another time if needs be.