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An Elephant back safari experience

Africa is a very popular choice for a safari holiday, not just because of the wildlife that is on offer but also the amazing and breathtaking views that can be seen. When booking a safari holiday many people are not aware of the wide choice they have available to them when it comes to choosing … Continue reading »

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Planning a safari holiday with children

Safari holidays can be amazing trips and what better way to spend it than with all your family. Many people are put off from taking children on safari with them, thinking that they will not appreciate it much and may find it boring but it can be fascinating to a child and they really can … Continue reading »

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Taking children on a safari holiday

One of the biggest concerns of taking a child on a safari trip is safety, but if you are confident that your child is of an age where they can comply with the rules, then it could be the trip of a lifetime. This age – whenever it may be – also means that your … Continue reading »

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Why not try something new… an Elephant safari holiday!

Safari holidays are a fab way to explore the wildlife and habitat or a different country. Often safaris can be suitable for people of a wide range of ages and interests but have you ever heard of an elephant safari? With many South African elephants being hand reared it is now seen as a very … Continue reading »

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Booking a luxury safari holiday to Africa

If you are lucky enough to go on a safari holiday, it will probably be one of the best experiences of your lifetime. Many people describe safari holidays like no other holiday and unlike many holidays where you are there to just chill out and relax, a safari holiday is a real eye opener. Most … Continue reading »

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